My PREMIUM experience so far
Maastricht University experts release book on Research-Based Learning
23-03-2017After deciding to join PREMIUM and follow the selection rounds it was finally time to really start PREMIUM: at the Mix&Match Event! The goal of the evening was to meet all the clients and get to know more about their projects and finally make a decision on which projects were your favourites. Upon arrival everyone was offered drinks and there was a nice buffet.
PREMIUM offered the students a lot of projects this year. I was a bit overwhelmed at first by all the people representing their projects: there were so many! To meet the clients and find out what projects I was interested in, the only option was to focus on my favourite ones and see which ones I liked most. The students were all provided with their own business cards that they could leave behind with the clients when interested in a particular project.
Beforehand, I read all the projects carefully and made a selection. I knew I wanted a project that contained a creative input from the students, so I mainly focused on that. However, I already expected that speaking with the people that evening could change my preferences a bit. Since you will be working with the people of the project This is exactly what happened. I spoke with the ladies of Inspiratiehuis (House of Inspiration) during the last 5 minutes of the evening, and I knew what I wanted. At first I never expected this, because in the description of the project it said: developing a marketing strategy. However, when speaking to the ladies, I was blown away by their enthusiasm! The way they spoke about their own business was really beautiful to witness. They convinced me this was the project I wanted to do, so I wrote them down as one of my choices. I must say I am very lucky I can now happily say I was chosen to do the Inspiratiehuis project. Together with 4 other highly motivated students, a great mentor and the two wonderful ladies of House of Inspiration we are working on the project, and PREMIUM has already proven to be worth it for me!
Written by Britt Pelzer
PREMIUM student 2016-2017