Apply for PREMIUM

We are delighted that you are interested in applying to become a PREMIUM student! Below, you will find the steps and intructions for the application process. Be sure to keep an eye on certain dates you should keep free (see below)! We hope to be welcoming you to the PREMIUM programme soon!

Applying for PREMIUM is possible until Monday November 18, 08:00 hrs (CET)

Please make sure that we have received your complete application before Monday November 18, 08:00 hrs. (CET)

Incomplete applications, or applications sent in after this deadline will not be taken into consideration.

Please make sure to attach your documents to one email.

What do we need from you to apply?

Send the following documents in one email to



Your Bachelor transcripts; You can send in the same documents you used to apply for your current MA programme. In case you did another MA programme before this one, you can also send in your grades list from that programme.

If applicable and available, a translation of your GPA transcripts; If you have an international diploma (i.e. not Dutch) based on a different grading system than the Dutch 1-10 grading system, please provide an official translation of your GPA transcripts that was provided to you by your university, if available. If you provide us with this translation, we will use it to assess your transcripts. If you are unable to provide this official translation, we will use Nuffic guidelines for the translation of international transcripts.



Provide an essay (in PDF format) of max. 500 words that is a  reflection on your personal and professional journey so far, and describes as such your motivation for applying to the PREMIUM programme:

  • Discuss how each component of PREMIUM (the project, individual and team coaching, and skill-building workshops) aligns with your personal goals and aspirations. Include a personal story or concrete example of a situation that illustrates your commitment to personal growth and professional development.
  • Highlight what unique perspectives and qualities you bring to the programme, and what you hope to achieve and learn during your time in PREMIUM. Be honest and sincere in your reflection.   
  • In your essay, we want to understand your intrinsic motivation for joining the PREMIUM programme. Delve into why you are particularly drawn to the PREMIUM programme and how its various components (the project, individual and team coaching, and skill-building workshops) resonate with your personal and professional goals.
  • Use a personal story or anecdote to illustrate your commitment to growth and learning. This could be an experience where you overcame a challenge, worked effectively in a team, or learned something significant about yourself. Reflect on what you can bring to the programme in terms of skills, perspectives, and enthusiasm.

In general, we would like you to discuss in your essay what you hope to gain from the programme and how it fits into your future aspirations. Remember, we are not looking for perfection but rather sincerity, reflection, and a genuine desire to grow.

Content-wise, your essay:

  • shows a coherent writing style and demonstrates analytical thinking skills;
  • convinces us of your intrinsic drive to prosper (a strong sense of motivation, a sense of determination and perseverance).
  • gives us an insight in the person behind the application;
  • is not a motivation letter towards a specific project, since PREMIUM is more than just the project.

Important notice and guidelines on the use of AI tools for your application essay
The purpose of your application essay is not only to assess your writing skills but also to get to know you as a candidate. We are interested in your personal journey, your aspirations, and what drives you to excel in your chosen field. A genuinely personal essay will stand out more than one that feels generic or artificially generated. Therefore, please take notice of the following guidelines on the use of AI.

  • Before using any AI tools, take time to reflect on your motivations, goals, and experiences. Consider why you want to join this programme and how it aligns with your personal and professional aspirations.
  • Write down your initial thoughts and ideas. This draft should be your own work, capturing your unique perspective and voice.
  •  If you choose to use AI tools like ChatGPT, do so consciously. Use them to refine your ideas, check for grammar, or gain inspiration, but not to replace your personal input. The final essay should still be a true representation of your own reflections and motivations.
  • After using AI tools, review and revise your essay to ensure it accurately represents your personal voice and motivations. Make sure the essay is cohesive and clearly communicates your individual journey and goals.
  • Please remember, authenticity is key. We want to hear your story, in your own words.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. We look forward to reading your thoughtful and sincere essays.

CV or LinkedIn


Connect with these two members of the PREMIUM Central Management Team below.

Many companies use LinkedIn for recruitment and assessment of applicants. Likewise, we want to use your LinkedIn profile to get an idea of who you are. We will use it to review information about:

  • your academic history,
  • extracurricular activities you have participated in,
  • your experience (work, internships)
  • your interests,
  • your competencies (in skills section).

Additionally, be sure to include a suitable profile picture as well as an interesting headline, as these are the first things we will notice about your profile.

More info about what we look for in your profile?

If you don’t have LinkedIn, if you do not feel comfortable sharing your current LinkedIn profile with us, or if you are unsure what we expect from your LinkedIn profile, please take a look at our LinkedIn manual. This manual was specially designed with prospective PREMIUM students in mind.

Would you rather send us your CV?

We would prefer to connect with you on LinkedIn, but if you feel more comfortable sending us your CV instead, this is also permitted. Include your CV in the email together with the documents described in step 1 and 2. Your CV will be evaluated on the same criteria as listed above. Be sure to update your CV to include above-mentioned criteria if necessary.

Take a look at our LinkedIn manual!

This manual was especially created for PREMIUM applicants/students

How can you use LinkedIn to show us who you are, what your skills and capabilities are, and why we should admit you to the PREMIUM programme? How can you make sure your profile stands out? This document gives you useful tips and tricks to help you create or update your profile.

Application Survey


Click here and complete the application survey.

What is the purpose of the application survey?

The application survey is intended to provide us with some background information on you. We ask you to provide this information for our administration. Additionally, some of this information will be used to make up your PREMIUM certificate upon successful completion of the programme so make sure you provide the correct information!

The second purpose of this survey is to get an indication of the extent to which you match the profile of a PREMIUM student. We would like to stress that there is no right or wrong in the answers you provide as well as the fact that a student will never be excluded from participating in the programme solely based on how they answered the questions.

In summary, the information is necessary for 1) our administration and 2) the selection procedures, and will be treated highly confidentially.

We ask you to be truthful and honest. It is in your own best interest to be truthful in order to assure that the programme and your project/team are a suitable match for you, your qualities, and interests. Thank you in advance, we highly appreciate your candor.

The further selection process

We will review your application and select suitable applicants to go through to round 2 of the selection process. We will contact you regarding your application on Thursday, November 28th at the latest.

In order to be able to partake in the mandatory assessment elements of round 2, make sure to keep time slots below (at least some) free for interview sessions (we’ll send you a registration link for one of these sessions once you’re through to round 2.).

  • Wednesday, December 4th, from 09:30 until 11:30;
  • Wednesday, December 4th, from 14:00 until 16:00;
  • Thursday, December 5th, from 12:00 until 14:00;
  • Thursday, December 5th, from 16:00 until 18:00;
  • Friday, December 6th, from 10:00 until 12:00;
  • Friday, December 6th, from 14:30 until 16:30.

Additionally, make sure to keep time slots below (or at least some) free for team observation sessions (we’ll send you a registration link for one of these sessions as well):

  • Monday, December 9th, from 09:30 until 10:30;
  • Monday, December 9th, from 11:00 until 12:00;
  • Monday, December 9th, from 12:30 until 13:30;
  • Tuesday, December 10th, from 14:00 until 15:00;
  • Tuesday, December 10th, from 15:30 until 16:30;
  • Tuesday, December 10th, from 17:00 until 18:00;
  • Wednesday, December 11th, from 13:00 until 14:00;
  • Wednesday, December 11th, from 14:30 until 15:30;
  • Wednesday, December 11th, from 16:00 until 17:00;
  • Thursday, December 12th, from 09:30 until 10:30;
  • Thursday, December 12th, from 11:00 until 12:00;
  • Thursday, December 12th, from 13:00 until 14:00;

Once you are submitted to round 2, you will be able to sign up for one interview session and one team observation session. You may sign up to the sessions that best suit your availability. However, we cannot guarantee there will be spots open in your selected sessions. That is why we ask you to keep as many time slots free as possible, to ensure you can sign up for a session. Please note that the final number of scheduled sessions might vary depending on the number of student registrations

All PREMIUM selection rounds will initially take place on campus. Pending on how many students are not on campus during the selection, we will plan one of these sessions to be online, of which you will be  informed.

Once you are registered for a session of speed dates and observation rounds, we count on your attendance during these sessions. Not showing will cause great inconvenience for your fellow students with regards to schedule and planning.

If you are unable to attend one of the interview and/or one of the team observation sessions, your application will be incomplete and you will not be eligible to be admitted to the PREMIUM programme.

More information about what the interview session and the team observation session will entail will be sent to you when we announce whether or not you are through to round 2.

Lastly, be sure to clear your schedules already on Wednesday, January 8th, 17:00 – 22:00! The first PREMIUM Central Event will take place at this time. Your attendance at this event is mandatory and you will have a lot to gain from being there because you will get to meet the actual clients, give us your final project preferences, and meet all your fellow PREMIUM students

Application SOS

Are you experiencing problems with your application? Please contact this member of the PREMIUM Central Management Team with any questions you might have.

Fabienne Crombach

PREMIUM Senior Coordinator
