PREMIUM Coaches and Mentors

Find everything you need to know about the role of Coach or Project Mentor here, including our extensive free training programme.

PREMIUM is an honours programme for excellent master’s students. This extracurricular programme provides an extra challenge for talented students and prepares them for the labour market, aiming to effectively bridge the gap between study and career.

PREMIUM students work on a project for an external client under the guidance of a Project Mentor and participate in master classes and workshops. Another important element of the programme is Coaching. All students work and reflect on their personal and professional development with their individually assigned Coach.

On this website you will find more specific information regarding the differences (and overlap) in the roles of the Project Mentor and the Coach. You can also download the handbook for Project Mentors and Coaches, which provides you with useful information about the programme. You will also find more information about the PREMIUM training programme for Coaches and Project Mentors.

We wish you an inspiring PREMIUM experience!

The role of the Mentor & Coach

Training Programme Coaches & Mentors

Every year, PREMIUM organizes a special training programme for Coaches and Mentors, aimed at providing everyone with the basic knowledge and tools required for their role in PREMIUM.

We would like to point out that we highly appreciate everyone’s attendance at these events since it assures a higher level of Mentorship and Coaching during the PREMIUM programme. Next to that, these events also bring Coaches and Project Mentors together to share thoughts and experiences.

We will award an official PREMIUM certificate to all Coaches and Project Mentors that have attended all required components of the trainig programme (in case they have not received this certificate previously).

These trainings may count towards your CPD, depending on your personal development goals, in discussion with your supervisor or manager.

We believe that the mandatory components are necessary for all new Coaches and Project Mentors to create an effective and enjoyable PREMIUM experience for all involved. For experienced Coaches and Project Mentors there are no mandatory components to the training programme, but of course we hope to welcome you all at the sessions, since it will provide you with new insights and skills, and allows for new Coaches and Project Mentors to learn from your experience.

*In order to be eligible for the PREMIUM Coach/Mentor certificate, new Coaches and Mentors must have attended at least the Introductory Training Day, and additionally either 2 advanced trainings, and 2 Intervision sessions, or 3 advanced training and 1 Intervision session.

Mandatory introductory training day NEW Coaches and Mentors

All new Coaches and Mentors are requested to attend this day of training during which they will participate in a workshop on introduction to coaching techniques (for new Coaches) as well as a workshop on team dynamics (for new Coaches and new Mentors). New Mentors will receive a training on how to guide students during their projects and their interaction with clients.

During these workshops, new Coaches and Mentors will be handed the tools they need to perform their tasks within PREMIUM.
Experienced Coaches and Mentors that like to refresh their knowledge are also welcome to attend since this year’s workshops are hosted by new trainers.

When: Thursday, January 9th, 10:00-17:00hrs.

Where: EDLAB, Tapijn building X

10:00-13:00 hrs: Introduction to coaching (Coaches)
10:00-13:00 hrs: Guiding students to become consultants (Mentors)
13:00-14:00 hrs: Lunchbreak (lunch will be provided)
14:00-17:00 hrs: Team dynamics (for Coaches and Mentors)

Please sign up for these sessions for NEW mentors and coaches.

Project Mentors:

Competence Coaches:

Advanced Training for Coaches: "High-Performance Coaching"

We kindly invite all PREMIUM Coaches to this training where the possibility will be offered to broaden and deepen your knowledge of Coaching.

For this session, we have requested Adina Petre from Insights, to give a workshop on a current topic, relevant at this stage of your PREMIUM experience.

Topic: “High Performance Coaching”


When: Thursday 23.01.2025, 15:00-17:00 hrs

Where: EDLAB, Tapijn building X


Advanced Training for Coaches and Mentors "Facilitation and communication skills for Coaches and Mentors"

We kindly invite all PREMIUM Coaches and Mentors to this training where the possibility will be offered to broaden and deepen your knowledge of Coaching or Mentoring.

For this session, we have requested Renee Speijcken from UMIO and Koen Reesink from CARIM, to give a workshop on a current topic, relevant at this stage of your PREMIUM experience.

Topic: “Facilitation & Communication Skills for Coaches and Mentors”


When: Tuesday 28.01.2025, 13:30-16:30 hrs.

Where: EDLAB, Tapijn building X

Advanced Training for Coaches and Mentors "Facilitating Feedback Sessions with Students"

We kindly invite all PREMIUM Coaches and Mentors to this training where the possibility will be offered to broaden and deepen your knowledge of Coaching or Mentoring.

For this session, we have requested Ellen Schiffeleers from Barcavela, to give a workshop on a current topic, relevant at this stage of your PREMIUM experience.

Topic: “Facilitating Feedback session with students”

Feedback is necessary for the growth of your students, so why is it so difficult for them to give and receive feedback? Why do they tend to perceive feedback as sheer criticism. What is the effect of feedback on psychological safety?

In this workshop we’ll look at the effect feedback has on people, we’ll discover the biggest obstacles for giving feedback, and we will work on the best preparation and execution. The aim is to give you tools to facilitate valuable feedback sessions, that foster growth and contribute to a psychological safe learning environment.

Thursday 30.01.2025, 09:30-12:30 hrs.

Where: EDLAB, Tapijn building X

Advanced Training for Coaches and Mentors "The Systemic View in Team Facilitation: the whole is different than the sum of its parts"

We kindly invite all PREMIUM Coaches and Mentors to this training where the possibility will be offered to broaden and deepen your knowledge of Coaching or Mentoring.

For this session, we have requested Erica van den Oever, from CAAT, to give a workshop on a current topic, relevant at this stage of your PREMIUM experience.

Topic: “The Systemic View in Team Facilitation: the whole is different than the sum of its parts”

As a team facilitator, you may find that it’s sometimes challenging to form a team and guide it towards its desired goal. While the individual intention is there, you know that it could be more effective. In such cases, it’s beneficial to consider the team as a whole, as a system, as a group with its own developmental stages and behaviors.

As a Project Mentor or Coach, you will learn the four basic principles of systemic thinking, how to view a team as an organic entity, and what this means for you and the group’s effectiveness.

When: Thursday 13.02.2025, 13:30-17:00 hrs.

Where: EDLAB, Tapijn building X

Advanced Training for Coaches and Mentors: “Giftedness, shining a light on bright students”

We kindly invite all PREMIUM Coaches and Mentors to this training where the possibility will be offered to broaden and deepen your knowledge of Coaching or Mentoring.

For this session, we have requested Anke Smeenk, from FHML, to give a workshop on a current topic, relevant at this stage of your PREMIUM experience.

Topic: “Giftedness, shining a light on bright students”

Giftedness is not merely about being an ‘Einstein’ and having an IQ score >130. Among students as well as among teachers confusion exist about giftedness. There is no clear definition, while there are many assumptions about giftedness, like the idea that a student should only achieve high grades and never get stuck at university. In fact, giftedness is not only mental acuity or cognitive ability, but it is a set of characteristics, including also sensitivity, doubt and setting (too) ambitious bars.

Although gifted students mention the same problems as their peer students, an extra layer of complexity is added because of these characteristics and this can influence their personal well-being and academic performance in a negative way.

Understanding of these layers by themselves and by the people in their environment like tutors/teachers/mentors, will support gifted students to develop and use their talents and learn them how to thrive in (academic) life.

After participating in this session, you will:
…have an alternative framework regarding stereotypical thinking about giftedness.
…have insight into the different struggles and associated underlying processes that gifted people may encounter.
…understand which aspects may support gifted students and how you as a mentor/tutor/teacher etc. can be of value in the guidance of these students.

When: Wednesday 19.03.2025, 09:30-12:30 hrs.

Where: EDLAB, Tapijn building X

Advanced Training for Coaches and Mentors: "Students and the pressure of social media"

We kindly invite all PREMIUM Coaches and Mentors to this training where the possibility will be offered to broaden and deepen your knowledge of Coaching or Mentoring.

For this session, we have requested Adina Petre, from Insights, to give a workshop on a current topic, relevant at this stage of your PREMIUM experience.

Topic: “Students and the pressure of social media”


When: Thursday 10.04.2025, 15:00-17:00 hrs.

Where: EDLAB, Tapijn building X

Advanced Training for Coaches and Mentors: "Dealing with uncomfortable behaviour"

We kindly invite all PREMIUM Coaches and Mentors to this training where the possibility will be offered to broaden and deepen your knowledge of Coaching or Mentoring.

For this session, we have requested Rena Gatzounis, from FPN, to give a workshop on a current topic, relevant at this stage of your PREMIUM experience.

Topic: “Dealing with uncomfortable behaviour”

When facilitating group discussions, we sometimes have to deal with awkward moments – like when someone, often without meaning to, makes a comment that can be hurtful to others. How do we deal with this in student groups?

When: Thursday 17.04.2025, 14:00-17:00 hrs.

Where: EDLAB, Tapijn building X

Non-Mandatory “PREMIUM Intervision Session”

We kindly invite all PREMIUM Coaches and Mentors to these sessions, which are aimed to exchange experiences, ask questions, discuss team issues and network.

Thursday February 27th
Thursday April 3rd
Tuesday May 6th


15:00-15:15 hrs: Welcome
15:15-17:30 hrs: Intervision techniques and session

We will send you an Outlook invitation in due time.

Handbook & Documents

PREMIUM Handbook

Project Mentors & Coaches

Download Documents

Find everything you need to fulfil your role as PREMIUM Mentor or Coach.

Questions regarding coaching or mentoring?

As a competence coach or project mentor, you might sometimes be in need of some collegial advice. Are you not sure how to handle a certain issue in your PREMIUM team, suggestions on how to get that student to open up or tips on how to organize your team dynamics meeting.

For those questions, our certified trainers and coaches are more than willing to be your soundingboard and sparring partner. Feel free to contact them.

Ellen Schiffeleers

Trainer and Owner Barcavela

Renée Speijcken

Educator, Coach, Senior Project manager (UMIO)

Adina Petre

Trainer and owner MyInsights

Why being a PREMIUM Coach or Mentor is awesome!

Besides of the compensation of hours and the appreciation of the students, being a PREMIUM Coach or Project Mentor is a great experience!
Don’t just take our word for it. See what previous Coaches and Project Mentors thought of being involved in PREMIUM and working with our students.

Serdar Turkeli (Project Mentor)

``Participating in the EDLAB PREMIUM programme, aimed at innovative companies locally and globally, has been a profoundly enriching experience. These EDLAB programmes embody early engagement with pressing societal challenges, requiring out-of-the-box thinking for all involved. As Assistant Professor of innovation and governance, specialized in sustainability, system transitions, and societal transformations, I am continually impressed by the intellectual and practical conditions set and fostered by both EDLAB programmes. They not only facilitate but actively drive growth in teaching and learning for all involved, making them invaluable to our collective progress.``

Lijsbeth Bruens (Coach)

``I enjoyed most that the students dared to open up with me and trusted my coaching``

Dominique Waterval (Coach)

``The personal conversation which students appreciated and were used by them as a source of reflection``

Robert Ciuchita (Project Mentor)

``I would be happy to take part in PREMIUM again as a mentor``

Questions for PREMIUM Central Management?

Please feel free to contact PREMIUM

Are you interested in being a PREMIUM Coach or Project mentor?

For the Coaches: please inform the central programme management for PREMIUM by using the contact button, if you are interested in becoming a coach (in the period January-May). Please also inform us about the number of students you are willing to coach.

For the Project Mentors: please inform the central programme management for PREMIUM ( if you are interested in mentoring a PREMIUM project. And, if you would have a great idea for a PREMIUM project, this is of course also possible. Please contact your faculty coordinator to discuss your ideas.