PREMIUM – Commit and overcome: Mid-term presentations
PREMIUM: my experience with teamwork
24-04-2018The midterm presentation deadline is approaching. You start wondering about all the things that you and your project group have done in the last 2 months. To some extent, it seems like you’ve conquered the work. On the other hand, it seems like you haven’t learned a thing.
Preparations start within the group. We need to decide who is going to go up there and present. Some team members are more eager than the others, but nobody really objects against the idea to represent the group in front of the other projects. We made a decision regarding who will do the presentations. Bonus points: one of our team members was working on that as one of her competences after her first coach meeting.
We decide to do a mock presentation with the whole group, and everybody involved. The presentation goes quite well. There are, of course, a few things that need some fine-tuning. The only problem is that one presenter has to go abroad just before the presentation, so there is no time to practice. Our mentor nudges me a little. Why don’t you the presentation? To be honest, I like doing these kinds of things. It’s like entertaining the crowd at one of my high school band’s performances.
So there is a change of plans! After some practice, I feel ready to give it all. We are fourth in line at the midterm presentations. I already see one of my fellow HEP students go before me. Like her great presentation will make me less nervous. Then it’s our turn. I go up there and I go through the presentation like I imagined it. A few slip-ups, but we can recover with the questions of the audience.
The greatest sense of teamwork comes rushing through me when our team gets up to answer questions. Every single member of our group answers the questions without doubt or hesitation. A sense of security comes over me when I see the clients’ convinced nodding after every answer.
We were one of the first teams to arrive, and one of the last teams to leave the midterm presentation. We helped each other out and had a great time in the end. Whatever the outcome of the project, I am proud to be a part of Kids in Control!
Written by Rutger van Mierlo (FHML)
PREMIUM Student 2017-2018