PREMIUM: There is nothing like „too much networking“
Combining a semester abroad and research in MaRBLe
08-05-2019Stepping out of your comfort zone and entering a world of continuous, personalized guidance to bring your self-development to a new level. In addition, working with new people with different educational backgrounds towards a real-life project with an actual client.
An opportunity like the one described above was never given in my education, so PREMIUM was the perfect way to ease into this new, unknown area. Every step until now, even in the application procedure, got me to experience a new side of me I was not aware of. For example, during the Mix & Match event where PREMIUM students get to meet the clients and their projects, you had to approach the representatives of the projects yourself and make them remember you. It is important to let yourself shine and make the clients see value in you, whilst being kind to other PREMIUM students. A lot was going on that evening, since you can never really know what to expect.
A couple of minutes before entering the room where the Mix & Match event took place, I felt excited and a bit anxious at the same time. When I received my name tag, the PREMIUM Central Management team used my first name to address me. I was impressed that they knew my name already, and it made me feel very welcome and appreciated. Entering the room where the Mix & Match event took place, a lot was happening. Clients, students and food everywhere. I honestly did not know what to do first, so I just let it all happen. After gaining rich information about my preferred projects, I simply ‘chatted’ with fellow students and clients, to get to know more about the persons behind the projects. When I went home, I was proud of what I had accomplished, since randomly talking to people and showing interest in their project, whilst showing them the added value of myself I could add to the team was something I had not done before. In the future, I am excited to go to more network events to develop my networking skills even more.
I am curious to find out the rest of the experiences my PREMIUM adventure is going to surprise me with!
Written by Annelore Doezé (FHML)
PREMIUM Student 2018-2019