How to improve your Posture
The Quick Facts on our Sitting Habits
How to improve your Posture
The Quick Facts on our Sitting Habits

Thursday June 9th, 2016, all PREMIUM students were invited to attend the festive closing of PREMIUM and present their project results to the clients, mentors, and coaches of the programme. Next to presenting their project results, they also celebrated the completion of the PREMIUM programme and the experiences that they had gained throughout the period. The event was held at the law faculty and the posters were set up in the amazing garden. This location again proved to be the perfect setting for a day like this with both formal activities (poster presentations) and informal activities (drinks and food). On top of that, everyone really enjoyed the partial outside setting because it turned out to be the perfect summer day.

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The day was filled with interesting activities, so even though the PREMIUM period came to an end that day and the students had finalized their projects, they were still provided with a number of fascinating workshops. During the event the EDLAB team was also able to ask about the students’ experiences and find out what their personal take aways were of the PREMIUM period. Most students told us that they really appreciated the practical experience that they had gained, and with that the insights into new and unfamiliar industries. Some other interesting takeaways are stated below. All in all, this years PREMIUM programme was again a success and also a lot of fun as well.

The EDLAB team is already looking forward to meeting the new PREMIUM candidates!
For more information on the PREMIUM programme and the application deadlines, click here.


The PREMIUM students highly recommend the programme to future students, and their reasons are:


It is a very enriching period, during which you gain a lot of new insights into a new industry, about teamwork, and about research.

During the programme you also develop yourself, and your character.

It was a challenging programme and even though it will push you out of your comfort zone, the real life experience that you will gain is extremely valuable.

PREMIUM Closing Seminar

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