The true PREMIUM experience: The Mix & Match Event
The MaRBLe experience of: Sanne ten Oever
25-07-2016Mid-term presentations
On the 14th and 18th of April, the PREMIUM mid-term presentations took place at the Tapijnkazerne Maastricht. During these evenings, all the PREMIUM teams were challenged with the assignment of preparing a presentation in Pecha Kucha style and present this in front of their clients and fellow PREMIUM participants. The presentations needed to include a short introduction on what their project was about, experiences on how the team work was going, and a short overview of what they would be working on during the last weeks of the project. Next to these requirements, the students were also challenged with the Pecha Kucha style request. This meant that the presentations needed to consist of 20 images, and would be without any text. On top of that, every image would be visible for 20 seconds, which resulted in presentations of 6 minutes and 40 seconds in total. All the PREMIUM teams were well prepared and their presentations showed high levels of creativity. All in all, the mid-term presentations were very inspiring and we wish all the teams lots of success during the upcoming weeks when they will be busy finalizing their projects! Read more about the student’s own experience below.

This PREMIUM team focuses on finding a solution to prevent diabetes in the United Arab Emirates, with a focus on younger children. Even though the assignment is very challenging, they were able to overcome their obstacles and were able to learn a lot about the country’s culture. They will create a special website focused on educating children, which will be used in a number of schools.

UWC Outdoor Taskforce
The UWC asked this PREMIUM team to conduct a feasibility study for an outdoor learning center. The mission was to take students out of the traditional classroom and involve them in different types of projects outdoors. When looking at the group process and project development over the past couple of months, the team realized that you don’t learn from just good experiences, you learn the most when you find yourself in more challenging situations.

Stichting Limburgs Landschap
For Stichting Limburgs Landschap this PREMIUM team is busy with researching the old NATO base, which was located in the Cannerberg (Maastricht). They are trying to collect memories from people that worked there by interviewing them. The team is really enjoying the group work, and are almost starting to feel like a little family. However, before they started the PREMIUM programme they feared that their projects would take up way too much time, but they all realized quickly that it was definitely possible, and really worth it, to combine this project with their studies. After all, they would definitely recommend PREMIUM to other students.

The CBS has asked this PREMIUM team to develop a creative solution for contacting young people and asked them to think about different ways to gather feedback from them on several topics. Even though the PREMIUM team did not have that much experience with group work, they did not encounter any problems and have enjoyed working together so far. Next to that, they have also experienced strong communication from their client, and the team has been very happy with their input and feedback on the project development and the findings.

Zero Emission Bus Project
For this project, the students are assessing the value citizens attach to zero emission bus transportation and sustainability in general. Next to that, they will try to map which stakeholders are important when it comes to zero emission bus transportation in Maastricht. There are multiple clients involved in this project, and the team has worked hard to communicate well and involve everyone in the full process. Even though the team members study different subjects, and have very demanding studies, they have all put in a lot of effort and are really enjoying the assignment so far. Overall, the team would say: ‘PREMIUM is good fun, you learn a lot, and it is a unique opportunity, so go for it’.