PREMIUM Spotlight: Sports & Crime “It’s just sports”
How standing could beat exercise
PREMIUM Spotlight: Sports & Crime “It’s just sports”
How standing could beat exercise

The Maastricht Research Based Learning for Excellence (MaRBLe) programme facilitates the development of research projects for highly motivated and excellent undergraduate students. In 2011 the MaRBLe team launched a journal to include the best papers produced by MaRBLe students. So far 16 volumes have been published, including papers in a wide range of disciplines.

To reach a large audience and increase the accessibility of the journal, all editions have now been published in an online journal in cooperation with the University Library.  A larger public will now be able to access the MaRBLe journal in an easy and accessible way, using technological developments to improve the MaRBLe programme.

For more information about the volumes published,  take a look at at the journal here.

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