PREMIUM Ambassadors

Hi and welcome to our page! We are the PREMIUM ambassadors: alumni PREMIUM students dedicated to help you figure out everything PREMIUM has to offer! Having been PREMIUM students ourselves last year, we know exactly what PREMIUM entails and what questions you might be struggling with. We would like to share our experiences with you, get you as excited about the programme as we are, and encourage you to apply to become a PREMIUM student yourself.

Information Sessions

Join the Ambassadors for interactive information sessions about PREMIUM!

On several dates in October and November, the PREMIUM Ambassador team will host interactive information sessions to inform you about what it means to be a PREMIUM student.

As our ambassadors speak from personal experience, attending these sessions gives you an exclusive sneak peek of what it’s like to be a PREMIUM student.

There will also be plenty of time to ask any questions you might have with regards to PREMIUM.


Hear about our Ambassadors' experiences

Meet the PREMIUM Ambassadors

Alina (SBE)

Communications Officer

Project: Sparke & Keane

Hi, I am Alina Timoșenco, 23 years old from Moldova. I am pursuing a master’s degree in Sustainability Science, Policy, and Society. During the last academic year, I participated in the PREMIUM programme, which was an enriching experience. I discovered a lot about myself, my teamwork style, and future career aspirations, and gained valuable network connections. My coach played a significant role in helping me become a better team chair through reflection and clear communication. Additionally, the workshops enhanced my negotiation skills, stress management, and understanding of the job market.

Sena (FHML)

Social Media Content Specialist & Outreach Coordinator

Project: Phil Zuid

Hi everyone! I’m Sena from Turkey. I have a background in medicine and a bachelor’s in biomedical sciences, currently specializing in neuromodulation. My family is spread across the US and Hong Kong, so I travel a lot and love exploring new places. I joined PREMIUM because I believe in going beyond just studying and school. I love engaging in activities that provide valuable experiences in an enjoyable way. PREMIUM offers a perfect blend of learning, personal growth, and fun, and I’m excited to share my journey with you all!

Océane Mélon (FHML)

Student Outreach Coordinator-Randwijck

Project: Fashionclash

Hi! My name is Océane Mélon. I’m 21 years old and from Belgium. I am currently pursuing a master’s in Biomedical Sciences with a specialization in Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism, and I also hold a master’s in Global Health. I joined PREMIUM to challenge myself and gain experience working with clients, and it has been incredibly rewarding. PREMIUM has greatly contributed to my professional and personal growth, and I’m excited to share this amazing journey with you!

Saara (LAW)

Community Engagement Officer

Project: Politie Limburg

Hi there! I am Saara, a 24-year-old Finnish student. I am finishing up my master’s degree in European Law School with a specialisation in European Business Law and I have also completed my bachelor’s in Maastricht. PREMIUM provided me with the opportunity to challenge myself and to work on a concrete project together with a client and an interdisciplinary team. The program ended up exceeding my expectations in every way. Not only did I gain invaluable practical experience, but I was also able to explore and expand my abilities by participating in various workshops.

Saloni (FASoS)

Social Media Content Specialist & Outreach Coordinator

Project: Marres

Hi! I’m Saloni and I’m from Taiwan. I wrapped up my Masters in Media Studies at FASoS and decided to stick around Maastricht for a little longer. I did my Bachelors in Journalism and Mass Communication before coming to Maastricht. I have always loved filling up my time as a student with extra-curriculars. Whether it is sports, part-time gigs, or gaining professional experience, I found that pursuing something alongside my studies improved my time-management, organization, and mood. This is what Premium did for me. I cannot recommend this program enough!

Liza (Law)

Student Outreach Coordinator-Inner City

Project: UM Leadership Academy

Hi everyone! My name is Liza, and I am half-Dutch and half-Russian. I’m 23 and approaching the finish line of my Master’s in European Law, with a specialisation in Public Law. I love drawing, painting, reading and studying languages in my spare time. Participating in PREMIUM was one of the highlights of my academic journey at UM, and I feel grateful to be part of such a vibrant and supportive community! If you want to challenge yourself, gain new skills, network and have fun, I strongly encourage you to apply!

Suhad (FHML)

Honours Engagement Coordinator

Project: Arcadis

Hi there! I’m Suhad, a 29-year-old doctor from Sudan. After practicing medicine for three years, I realized it wasn’t in line with my long-term career goals. So, I’ve decided to pursue a career in research and academia. I was lucky to receive the Holland-High Potential scholarship, which fully funded my master’s degree in epidemiology at UM and kick-started my journey in research. As a scholarship recipient, I was determined to make the most of my time at UM, so I got involved in PREMIUM, which was an invaluable experience. I’m excited to share its benefits with you so that you don’t miss out.

On our PREMIUM experience:


“I often wonder about the disciplines I wished to pursue but did not end up choosing, joining PREMIUM gave me the opportunity to collaborate in a multidisciplinary team while also getting valuable training for taking the next steps in my career. I absolutely loved my time with my team’s client, Marres, where we studied the senses and built connections to global shifts in working practices. By conducting a mixed-method study, attending seminars, and reading papers, my team summarized our experiences and findings in a beautiful magazine that can be found at the ICL! I came away from PREMIUM with amazing new friends, valuable life-lessons, and equipped with stronger collaboration skills.”


“During my PREMIUM experience, I followed my passion and worked with the Dutch orchestra on a meaningful project aimed at addressing a social issue. Our team focused on promoting mental health awareness and support through the power of music. This unique project allowed me to combine my academic interests in mental health with my love for music. Collaborating with the orchestra to create a mental health awareness initiative was one of the most memorable and fulfilling experiences of my life, offering me the chance to make a positive impact while doing something I love.”


“I joined PREMIUM because I wanted to challenge myself and develop my professional skills. I am so glad I took the opportunity and applied because I achieved that and so much more! I was a member of the UM Leadership Academy team and our project focused on improving the leadership culture among staff at UM. Leadership is often seen as an abstract concept, and we aimed to give it a tangible identity. Our efforts culminated in a podcast series featuring UM leaders sharing their experiences and insights, making leadership more actionable and relatable within the community. It was an extremely rewarding experience, and it felt great to contribute to lasting, positive change in our community. I also loved working in an interdisciplinary team and meeting people from different backgrounds, which opened me up to many new stories, ideas, and perspectives.”


“My primary goal in joining PREMIUM was to work on a project with real-world impact, beyond the academic grades of my master’s program. However, PREMIUM offered me much more than I anticipated. I wanted to transition from purely research-oriented projects, which are the focus of my Biomedical Sciences master’s, to more practical applications. That’s why I chose the FASHIONCLASH project. In this project, my team and I designed a manual with recommendations and a strategy to help our client improve its community development. To achieve this, we conducted literature research, created a survey, and performed several interviews. Participating in this project gave me tremendous hands-on experience. It allowed me to work in an interdisciplinary team, exposed me to a professional setting, improved my communication skills, and expanded my professional network.”


“PREMIUM has had a significant impact on my personal and professional growth. When I first joined, I was mainly thinking about how it would look on my CV, but I ended up getting a lot more out of it personally. The program opened my eyes to my own abilities. I used to think I wasn’t great at networking for no good reason, but then I surprised myself by doing well at the Mix and Match event, PREMIUM’s kick-off event. The surprise continued when I was described as “creative” twice while working on our project, I never saw myself that way. Our project was with Arcadis, an engineering and consultancy company, where our multidisciplinary team of 6 came up with recommendations to turn Maastricht into a Blue Zone, areas in the world known for longevity and good health. We did an extensive literature search along with brainstorming and put together a report with all our findings. The experience of working with a real client has notably improved my professional skill set and boosted my confidence. The PREMIUM project was the longest teamwork project I have ever been part of and the first multidisciplinary one. I learned how to deal with different people, understand their opinions and motives, how to compromise, and how to assert myself. Although I had a rough start and contemplated quitting the program, looking back, I would not have chosen a different team or project. It is exactly the experience I needed for personal growth. PREMIUM was also a lot of fun. In fact, most of the fun activities I have been part of since I came to Maastricht were with PREMIUM at the pop-up events.”


“I had the opportunity to work on the Politie Limburg project together with my colleagues, each bringing expertise from various fields. The focus of this year’s project was on exploring ways to reduce party drug use among young individuals. Our team conducted literature review and assessed the effectiveness of different interventions. In addition to the project work, we attended a lecture series on organized crime in the Netherlands, and even had the chance to see a theatre play in Leiden. The experience of working with the client was immensely rewarding and prepared me well for the next steps in my career.”

The Workshops

PREMIUM includes a series of insightful and practical workshops and masterclasses. The workshops and masterclasses are hosted by experts from the field and by participating in them you will gain very useful skills that will not only benefit you during PREMIUM, but will also give you an advantage in your future career. There is always a lot of room for questions, ensuring you really get the most out of the workshops and masterclasses!


“The PREMIUM experience is crucial for students who are at the cusp of entering the job market or even those who have professional experience. The workshops were one of my favourite parts of this program. They addressed specific issues that students face and gave practical, logical solutions for them, making this transition from student to working professional more manageable both emotionally and practically. For this, I am grateful and will refer to the notes I took during these workshops for many years to come. “


“The PREMIUM workshops were incredibly diverse and high-quality, covering topics from stress management to leadership. Each workshop provided valuable insights and practical skills, making a significant impact on both my academic and personal life. They also taught me very valuable methods that I can use throughout my life while improving myself.”


“The workshops were incredible, delivered by talented and thoughtful speakers who are passionate about their subjects. They were engaging and interactive, and what I loved most was how they challenged my ways of thinking, providing me with new perspectives on both a personal and professional level. The workshops also offered opportunities to bond with fellow Premium students, where I made so many fun memories.”


“PREMIUM offered numerous workshops, and I made it a point to attend as many as possible, knowing they would greatly contribute to my professional and personal growth. I was always eager to participate in these sessions, as each one provided valuable insights and learning opportunities, along with delicious food! The workshops were also an opportunity to connect with other PREMIUM students and share our experiences in the program. They also helped me expanding my professional network and gaining practical tips to prepare for entering the job market.”


“The PREMIUM workshops were extremely informative, and I was able to apply some of the new information to my daily life right away. The workshops, like all other features of the program, were very well organized. Effort was made to ensure the workshops were enjoyable and comfortable, and refreshments were always provided, which was especially helpful after long days at the university.”


“One of the most valuable aspects of the workshops was the flexibility to choose from a variety of sessions, in addition to the mandatory core workshops. This allowed me to tailor the experience to suit my strenghts, weaknesses, and areas of interest. The workshops as a whole were a great way to develop essential professional skills and knowledge. Let’s not forget the amazing snacks that kept the participants energized! “

Competence Coaching

As part of the PREMIUM programme, each project team gets its own coach with whom they will have several individual sessions to discuss their personal progress. Additionally, several group session aim not only at personal progress, but also at the progress the team has made so far. Coaching gives the team an opportunity to discuss any problems encountered. PREMIUM optimizes the way in which you visualize your personal progress.


“Coaching was one of the best parts of PREMIUM. I recall leaving my first coaching session feeling serene and empowered. I felt lucky to be able to talk freely about specific professional and personal concerns I had regarding my future. My coach helped me identify and target these issues and truly wanted the best for me. “


“The coaching sessions were extremely beneficial. My coach helped me discover personal strengths and develop strategies to tackle career challenges. The most amazing thing about it was that our coach was helping each of us in the way that we personally need and with the very specific methods that works for us individually. The personalized support and guidance I received were truly exceptional and something I wish I could have throughout my life. It provided a safe space for learning myself better.”


“My coach was fantastic and exceeded my expectations in every way. She created a calm, positive, and comfortable atmosphere that allowed me to speak freely about my goals and struggles. Her insights provided me with a clearer vision for my future, and her support had a lasting positive impact on my daily life overall.”


“Having a personal coach was one of the reasons I applied to PREMIUM. My coach and I got along well, and he helped me identify issues I wasn’t aware of and find solutions on my own. I enjoyed discussing my personal progress during our one-on-one sessions and exploring team dynamics in the group sessions.”


“The one-on-one sessions with the personal coaches were incredibly therapeutic and much-needed. They allowed me to decompress and gain valuable insight, which was particularly beneficial given the demanding workload. When I first started the coaching sessions, I was unsure about how to benefit from them, as it was my responsibility to steer the session based on my own needs and goals. That is why it’s essential to approach filling out the Personal Development Plan document with keenness and seriousness to get the most out of the coaching. At PREMIUM, I always felt pampered and well taken care of, which made me feel confident and grounded, knowing that I had a safety network readily available when I needed it. “


“The coaching centered on uncovering my competencies. As an initial step, multiple areas for development were identified. During the subsequent coaching sessions, we would discuss my progress and narrow down the key points of focus, allowing for reflective discussions. Throughout the process, my coach was supportive and encouraging.”

The Commitment

PREMIUM is an intensive extracurricular programme, requiring a serious commitment and superb time management skills from all participants. To get an idea of just how busy the week of a PREMIUM student might be, take a look at our “week in the life of a PREMIUM student” below!


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