Sam & ZO

Investigate the concept of reciprocity, and generate ideas how a sustainable concept for living and learning based on reciprocity can be applied in practice.

The Project

The Project

In a neighborhood in Sittard, an apartment complex is currently being built which gives room for approximately 23 persons with mild disabilities, 20 elderly and 3 students. Together with them, and the neighborhood, this foundation aims to create a sustainable concept for living and learning, based on reciprocity.

With this PREMIUM project we would like to explore how the concept of reciprocity can be applied in practice. We therefore need the different backgrounds and the creativity of PREMIUM students to address this topic. They will have the unique experience of contributing to a real life project, and to come up with ideas that will be implemented in the near future.

This new concept for living and learning creates environments for residents and inhabitants that stimulate and enhances social cohesion and caring for each other by and for the stakeholders. It fits in Dutch policy reports on how to make health care more cost conscious, on promoting healthy living, and on improving living conditions for those who cannot live independently without being institutionalized.

The project generates ideas how a sustainable concept for living and learning based on reciprocity can be applied in practice.


In this project, the focus is on “discovering something new”

The Client

The Client

Sam&Zo is a foundation whose goal is for young adults with disabilities to live independently, in the middle of society, with their own social life, so that they can be meaningful.

This concept will be realized in Sittard, where the construction of an apartment complex has been started. Sam&Zo would like to develop this concept as a learning community, in which individuals, their network and the neighbourhood work together and are a catalyst for new ways that meet the needs of young adults with disabilities. By learning and reflecting together, we are trying to reinvent how guidance for individuals with disabilities can optimized.

Formal Client

This client provides guidance and supports the team with feedback, but is not actively involved in project execution.