Davinci Conclusion

Test the feasibility of a concept that allows artificial Intelligence to let your (virtual) home communicate with you about sustainability, maintenance, environment and mortgages/finances.

The Project

The Project

We challenge you to fill a social need by researching the feasibility of a new concept and, if possible, developing a proof of concept.

In the Netherlands there is no total/integral view on a personal situation of a house-owner in relation to the (status of the) house and the direct environment. This combined with developments such as sustainability, reduction of ecological footprints and greater awareness of well-being, cries for a new solution: the use of artificial intelligence in a world of (big) data.

Imagine being able to talk to your own house. About its status, about sustainability, about financing, about the immediate living environment, about energy consumption, about its footprint: CO2 and nitrogen emissions. Imagine that your house gives you concrete advice about sustainability measures, their costs and benefits, a systematic approach that takes into account your personal financial situation, family composition and all kinds of environmental factors. Imagine that your house interacts with the municipality for the application for a permit, with the government for available subsidies or submitting objections, that your house requests a quote from suppliers of solar panels or heat pumps…

Research for us which data sources can and may be made accessible. Find out how you can apply artificial Intelligence to let your (virtual) home communicate with you about sustainability, maintenance, environment, finances (mortgage / loan / subsidies). As icing on the cake: show us that this concept could work.


In this project, the focus is on “creating something new”

The Client

The Client

Davinci Conclusion is the architect of digital communication standards in the Dutch mortgage, real estate and notarial sector and serves leading data networks and related parties.

Davinci Conclusion advises on digital processes, from design to management. In this way we ensure efficiency, lower process costs, greater ease of use and improved reliability. In this way we relieve our customers of their worries and ensure more convenience and less frustration for consumers.

We bring public and private organizations together to find and provide solutions to (societal) problems that can’t be solved alone. With roots in the industries of finance, mortgages, real estate and the notary, we’ve tackled several life events like starting a business, buying a house or the passing of a loved one – and work with all relevant stakeholders to solve (societal) problems like transparency of processes, access to data and accessibility of the housing market.
We develop concepts, perform research, setup collaborations and are architects of the solution.

Co-Creator Client

This client might join the team for brainstorm session, meetings and preparatory sessions. The co-creator client is more actively involved in/during the project execution.