The proportion of an age cohort that leaves the school system with access to tertiary education steadily increased over the last decades in Germany. But there is a large and growing number of university students who drop out from college /university without a bachelor’s certificate. Without a degree and no vocational training, access to the labor market is difficult, even in times characterized by a skills and labor shortage.
A relatively short upskilling intervention aiming at digital skills could change individual chances on the labor market for the better and may even lead to a new career in the IT infrastructure administration.
Cisco has the intention to support college dropouts to find a new perspective and an alternative career option. Advanced digital skills in networking and cybersecurity can be achieved in a relatively short period of time. Digital competences open employment opportunities in the IT sector and other industries.
We plan to collaborate with adult education institutions, labor market institutions and social partners. We assume there is a demand for hybrid training programs that prepare for industry certifications. Adult education institutions can support the competence acquisition and will add non-technical and social skills elements. We assume further that there is a win-win-win situation for the individual, the society and the companies that are searching for talents.
This project should investigate the potential for hybrid digital trainings for college dropouts and define potential career paths.
The project will provide the possibility to develop a proof-of-concept as well as the option to design and kick-off a social media based public opinion campaign.