MaRBLe Community Events
Join the exclusive events and join this thriving research community!
Dear (former) MaRBLE/PEERS students,
Over the course of the year we organize several central activities for all current and/or former MaRBLe/PEER students. The events are mainly based on the student population’s wish and need for a community.
All events contain educational elements and offer opportunities for students to meet, connect and network. But it’s also always a lot of fun!Warm regards,
The MaRBLe Team
Lecture by UM Rector Magnificus Rianne Letschert
Multiple workshops
MaRBLe Walk & Talk
Upcoming MaRBLe/PEERS events
MaRBLe/PEERS workshops
“March 20th: The current information landscape and how to search in it”
“April 3rd: How to keep your scientific integrity?”
Closing Event Walk & Talk
Passed MaRBLe/PEERS events
Lecture by UM rector Prof. Dr. Rianne Letschert
Professor Rianne Letschert (1976) studied International Law at Tilburg University, the University of Amsterdam and the University of Montpellier. She obtained her PhD from Tilburg University in 2005, with a thesis entitled The impact of minority rights mechanisms, exploring the competing international organisations that formulate policy and legislation on national minorities.
In March 2011 Letschert was appointed professor to the newly established chair in Victimology and International Law at Tilburg University. From April until August 2010 she was a visiting research fellow at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law at the University of Cambridge as well as a research fellow at Clare College in Cambridge, where she is a lifelong member. In 2014 she also held a visiting professorship at the University of Barcelona. She has written and edited various books, and published articles in national and international scholarly journals.
Professor Letschert received a Vidi grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) in May 2015 for her research on the impact of international tribunals on societies and people who are confronted with serious violations of human rights and international crime. She is an expert consultant on casualty cases to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, and she previously also directed the International Victimology Institute Tilburg (INTERVICT). In 2012 she became a member of the Young Academy of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), and was appointed as its chair in April 2015.
Professor Letschert has been Rector Magnificus of Maastricht University since 1 September 2016.