Honours+ Central & Informal Events
Dear Honours+ students,
Over the course of the programme, Honours+ organizes several central formal and informal activities. All events contain educational and/or assessment elements and offer opportunities for students, UM employees and others to meet and connect. But it’s also always a lot of fun!
At the central events (Kick-Off and Closing), attendance is mandatory for all students.
If you cannot attend a central event, please refer to the section of the student handbook “Exceptional Circumstance” or contact the Honours+ Central Management Team.Warm regards,
Honours+ Central Management Team
Central (Mandatory) Events
Informal (Voluntary) Community Events
Honours+ Kick-Off
Jumping right in: The Honours+ Kick-Off
Wednesday, October 30
18:00-22:00 (Location: Brasserie Tapijn)
We want to officially welcome you to Honours+ and kick-off the programme together with a bang! Students will get an opportunity to first meet and get to know each other.
We hope to inspire you to go into the Honours+ experience with an enthusiastic approach and a good foundation for pleasant and effective teamwork.
Please refer to your email accounts to stay informed about the Honours+ Kick-Off event. Your attendance is mandatory.
Mark your calendars!
The Honours+ Kick-off event will take place on Wednesday October 30, at Brasserie Tapijn.
Programme of the evening:

Honours+ Closing Event
HONOURS+ Closing Event
Wednesday May 14.
17:30-22:00 hrs. (Location: StayOkay Maastricht)
The Honours+ programme is concluded with a festive Closing Event, focused on bringing the Honours+ experience to a close together. During the Closing Event, each student team will present their findings concerning the team Challenge to the other Honours+ students, and a jury. The best presentation within every Challenge topic will win a team prize. We challenge you to impress your peers and UM’s academic staff!
Inform the H+ community and us what potential solution you found (applied research Challenges) or what new and value-adding knowledge to the already existing knowledge on this topic your team uncovered (theoretical research Challenges). More information regarding the criteria for your team’s poster and presentation during the Closing Event, can be found under “Team Challenge Outcome”.
Mark your calendars! The Honours+ closing event will take place on Wednesday May 14, at StayOkay Maastricht.
Please refer to the Honours+ website, and your student email accounts to stay informed about the Honours+ Closing Event. Your attendance is mandatory.
Programme of the evening:

Informal Community Events
Besides the formal central events, we also host a variety of fun and informal community events, where you can meet and connect with fellow honours students in an informal setting. These events are aimed at building bridges across faculty borders and aspire to create a community of honours students.
Attending these events is optional, voluntarily and free of charge. However, once you sign up for such an event, we count on your presence and expect you to actually attend these events. Not showing up, or cancelling later than 24 hours in advance, without a valid and documented reason, will affect the activity for your fellow students and leads to extra costs for the organization. You will, in that case, be faced with a no-show fee of € 25.
Please note that once you are signed up, it is not possible to cancel your registration yourself. If you must cancel your registration, please email honoursplus@maastrichtuniversity.nl with your request. Registration or cancellation of a registration is allowed up to 24 hours in advance of the community event date.
Please refer to the Honours+ website, Instagram/Facebook, and your student email accounts to stay informed about the informal community events.