The power of prompting: AI Prompt Library kick-off event (taking education to the next level) 

Our event is open to all UM staff (lecturers, instructional designers, tutors, support staff)

Date: Wednesday 9 October 2024
Start Time: 11:00
End Time: 15:00 (light vegetarian lunch included)
Location: EDLAB, St Hubertuslaan 12, Tapijnkazerne 23, Building X, room 0.010 (Serre)

AI Prompt Library: taking education to the next level

Over the past year, there has been a lot of talk about generative AI, and we’ve had numerous opportunities to hear from experts and colleagues about what generative AI can do and how to use it. 

But do you still feel like generative AI is a big black box? Are you still struggling to generate high-quality output, or feeling overwhelmed by the endless possibilities and unsure where to start?  

We get it, and that’s why we’ve created the Prompt Library, a collection of prompt-templates designed to give you a starting point and inspiration you need to use generative AI tools like an expert. To do so, EDLAB joined forces with Michalina Kaminska, lecturer at SBE and AI user from the early start, and the university library. 

A prompt is simply an instruction you give to a generative AI tool to receive the magical output you’re looking for.  

We’ll launch the Prompt Library with an event focused on prompting and practical applications. You’ll hear from regular users how they use generative AI for a touch of that life-changing magic. You can try out yourselves and you’ll see that you don’t need to be an expert to use generative AI! 

Event details 

We will start with an introduction to the Prompt Library and a prompting workshop. After lunch, you will have an opportunity to listen to early adopters from education, research, and support departments, who, in a panel discussion, will tell us how they use generative AI and how the Prompt Library can support their initiatives. 

Important note: Please bring your laptop

You can sign up for the workshop, panel discussion, or both.