Workshop 2: Reading, interpreting, and applying education research

Workshop 2: Reading, interpreting, and applying education research
EDLAB education research professional development workshop series

Date:  Wednesday 11 December 2024
Start Time: 10:30 am
End Time: 12:30 pm
Location: EDLAB, Tapijnkazerne 23, Building X

Workshop leaders: Anke Sambeth and Johan Adriaensen

Workshop description
“Let me google that for you” is the laconic response we offer to students who find it more convenient to send us their questions than to engage in self-study first. Particularly in Maastricht’s PBL tradition, we aim for students to become self-directed learners. Yet, when confronted with an educational problem, we often lack a similar reflex to engage in self-study.

Much like our students, part of the challenge is to navigate and engage with a relatively alien field of study. Are the insights from the literature fitting or transferable to the type of education we offer at Maastricht or to the specific disciplinary field we’re active in? What are the relevant sources to engage with, how do we navigate the literature, and are there techniques to cut through the “academic waffle” and find that specific answer we are looking for?

Join us in the second workshop in EDLAB’s Education Research Professional Development Series, where we’ll explore the variety of uses of educational research for your teaching practice. We’ll offer you hands-on guidance in finding, reading and transposing the insights to your specific educational environment.

In preparation for this session, we encourage you to prepare a specific challenge you’re facing and would like to address.

Professional development hours are possible for staff with UTQ.

Stay tuned for more information about upcoming workshops in the series! The workshops in this series can be taken either individually or in sequence from start to finish.