CPD: Student evaluations: What they can tell you and what they can’t

14 May 2020
09:00 – 12:00h

Student evaluations: What they can tell you and what they can’t

Student evaluations of teaching play an important role in the process of evaluating and improving instruction. Collecting reliable and valid data about teaching has become a common practice within Higher Education to make well-informed decisions about course (re)design and teacher’s careers. Over the past few years, growing concerns have been expressed whether student evaluations of teaching can be used as diagnostic tools or whether they are increasingly misused for administrative purposes. It goes without saying that both students and teachers should benefit from valid feedback sources to maintain and improve education. This requires a critical examination of the why, what and how we are collecting such feedback. The present seminar will address the issue of how to improve our feedback practices at UM such that it helps students and teachers to monitor and improve education. After a brief introduction, participants will have ample opportunities to develop ideas for improvement, and assess them against criteria for proven feedback practices.

  • Workshop format
  • Max 20 participants
  • Language is English
  • 3 hours

Note: EDLAB reserves the right to postpone this event should a minimum of six participants not be reached.

Prof. Dr. Wim Gijselaers
Dr. Lianne Ippel, postdoc at IDS

1 x 3 hour workshop

60 euros per person

Your faculty will be billed directly for this training but your registration requires a budget number to be submitted upfront (except for FHML where this number is already known to EDLAB, in that case please just insert “FHML” upon signing up, rather than a budget number).

Cancellation fees
For participants who cancel their registration from a workshop or a course, within fewer than ten working days before the start, their administrative unit will be charged 25% of the cost price. Cancellation within fewer than five working days before the course starts, or failure to show up for the session, will result in the administrative unit being charged 100% of the cost price.

EDLAB reserves the right to postpone this event should a minimum of 6 participants not be reached.

Activity full or can’t make this date? Then sign up for the waiting list and we’ll let you know as soon as this event is scheduled again.

The workshop will take place at EDLAB, TAPX (Building X, Sint Hubertuslaan 12), room 1.014.  The session will be given in English.

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