3 March 2020
12:00 – 13:30h
[EN] Make the difference for students with a disability!
Ten percent of the students experience has a disability, which creates an obstacle to studying and following education. Students with a functional disability can perfectly complete their studies with the right tools and support! Do you want to receive the tips and tricks and offer this group of students the right guidance? Get to know Disability Support, how we work and how we can offer support. Often you can make a difference with easy-to-apply recommendations.
[NL] Maak het verschil voor studenten met een functiebeperking!
Tien procent van de studenten ervaart een functiebeperking, die zorgt voor een belemmering bij het studeren. Belemmering kan ook ervaren worden bij het volgen van onderwijs. Studenten met een functiebeperking kunnen met de juiste hulpmiddelen en ondersteuning prima hun studie voltooien! Wil jij de tips en tricks ontvangen en deze groep studenten de juiste begeleiding bieden? Leer Disability Support kennen, hoe we werken en op welke manieren we ondersteuning kunnen bieden. Met vaak een aantal makkelijk toe te passen adviezen kun je het verschil maken.
EDLunch Hosts:
Judith Kraal, Student Dean and Sigrid Péters, Disability Officer
This session for UM teaching staff is for free. It will take place at EDLAB, TAPX (Building X, Sint Hubertuslaan 12), room 1.014 and includes lunch. The session will be given in English. The session with questions usually lasts from 12:00 – 13:00h and for those interested in discussing or networking for longer there will be time until 13:30h.
If you have specific dietary requirements we should be aware of, please contact us by email.
In case of cancellation, please inform us as soon as possible because of catering arrangements.
EDLAB reserves the right to postpone this event should a minimum of 6 participants not be reached.
Activity full or can’t make this date? Then sign up for the waiting list and we’ll let you know as soon as this event is scheduled again.
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