PREMIUM Advanced training Coaches: “Embodied approach to Coaching”

We kindly invite all PREMIUM Coaches to this training where the possibility will be offered to broaden and deepen your knowledge of Coaching.

For this session, we have requested Renee Speijcken from UMIO and Cecile Nijland from FHML, to give a workshop on a current topic, relevant at this stage of your PREMIUM experience.

Topic: “How an ‘embodied approach to coaching’ can be beneficial for your students and yourself.”

In this 4-hour workshop we would like to give you a direct and embodied experience of the many benefits a more embodied approach to coaching can offer you in supporting your students.

Embodiment (‘belichaming’ in Dutch) refers to the fact that we experience and connect to life, ourselves, others and the world around us, through our whole body, not just via our mind (thinking process). The body is our unique instrument through which we experience our (level of) aliveness and wholeness. As such, much of who we have become, – our habits, tendencies, blind spots, reactivity, areas of tension – , live in our body tissues, posture, emotions and thought patterns.

This workshop aims to bring more awareness and skill to your own embodiment as a coach in order to use this to support your students in the coaching process. Experiencing how to become more familiar with your own (level of ) embodiment, how to strengthen this by exploring what you need to connect and reconnect to your-self when life gets challenging, will give you a new invaluable toolset to support your students. In this way the workshop offers you an additional, and for some of you, new approach and set of tools that can potentially enrich your coaching practice as well as your team dynamics meeting.

When: Wednesday 21.02.2024, 09:00-13:00 hrs.
Where: Trainings will take place at EDLAB, Tapijn building X

PREMIUM Advanced training Coaches: "Embodied approach to coaching"