PREMIUM Advanced training c/m “Harassment in the workplace: the role of mentors and coaches in supporting students”

Harassment in the workplace: the role of mentors in supporting Premium students

Entering the work force is for students a unique, exhilarating and daunting moment. Student placements such as the ones offered by the Premium programme are a unique opportunity to learn and earn competences. Whether it’s their first work experience or not, they may face difficulties during their placement that will impact their wellbeing and their career. Harassment may be one of them.

Students, interns and entry-level workers are more at-risk of harassment: because they are new to the environment and are not sure how to behave, because they want to prove themselves and therefore not “make a fuss”, or simply because power relations make it difficult to speak up about difficulties they may face. Although metoo has improved the understanding we have of harassment and its prevalent, for many it is still unclear how it looks like and how to detect it.

With that in mind, Premium coaches and mentors have the duty to know how harassment look like so they can detect problematic situations, listen actively to students and support them if need be.

In this training, we will talk about:

  • how to identify harassment and be aware of its warning signs using the Red Flag System developed in Period’s “It’s Not That Grey” guide[1]
  • what to do when a student confides in a mentor or coach about a potential harassment situation
  • concrete tools, methods and procedures to follow as a mentor and coach who is informed or witnessing harassment

The training will mix theoretical input and practical exercises, with time for participants to ask questions and share experiences.

It is hosted by trainer Juliette Sanchez-Lambert, one of the authors of the guide “It’s Not That Grey”.

PREMIUM Advanced training c/m "Harassment in the workplace: the role of mentors and coaches in supporting students"