Interactive Info Session EDLAB Education Research Grants

Are you ready to turn your education research idea into reality?

Yes, of course… but wait—why… what… how….?!

Join us for an interactive information session about the EDLAB Education Research Grants.

Online via Zoom, on Wednesday 28 February 2024, 13:30-15:00.

In this session, you will:

  • Receive an overview of the EDLAB education research grant programme from Alice Pan, EDLAB Coordinator for Education Research
  • Hear from a prior year grant winner, about the process of applying for the grant as well as conducting a short-term education research project—and tips for how to make it successful
  • Learn how to craft a strong research project proposal
  • Engage in activities designed to help you clarify and refine your project ideas
  • Have your questions answered in a live Q&A

As an added bonus, you’ll be able to meet fellow potential applicants—and we’re currently planning a follow-up session focused on networking for potential grant applicants, so stay tuned!

What to do beforehand:

To get the most out of the session, complete the following brainstorm exercise (and if you’re already feeling more confident, try the challenge tasks as well):

Brainstorm: consider the following questions, and try to write out your answers in max 200 words; feel free to use bullet points or mindmapping or other brainstorming techniques you find helpful:

What do you want to study / what are you curious to learn more about?

Why is it important both to you and others involved in education?

What inspires you to want to conduct education research, and how does it connect with your professional development?

*Challenge 1: Draft your ‘Project Summary: Please describe, briefly, the main purpose and goal(s) of the project. (max. 100 words)’ (Step 1 in the Project Proposal Template)

**Challenge 2: Identify concrete next steps: what do you still need to find out / learn more about? Existing research on the topic? Ethics permission to conduct the study you have in mind? Potential collaborators, and/or mentor(s)?