Icebreaker Showcase

Icebreaker & Educational Game Showcase


Get ready to break the ice in your block 2 tutorial groups by joining this Icebreaker and Educational Game Showcase. Join us at EDLAB for an informal session where you’ll have the opportunity to try out and share your thoughts on various ice breaker activities and educational games. Please bring your own materials and/or ice breakers if you want to so we can share ideas and practice together.

Learning outcomes:

  • Learn more about different ice breakers or educational games that are suitable for your teaching and learning at UM,
  • Practice and discuss the use of (your preferred) ice breakers together with colleagues,
  • Share ideas on the implementation of various ice breakers or games in your education.

This activity will be offered on-site (at EDLAB) on 10 October 2024, from 15.00-17.00 and you can sign up for a session below.

About the organisation

The session will be moderated by Donna Carroll (EDLAB), Arie van der Lugt (FPN) and Eveline Persoon (EDLAB).

Note about the costs
EDLAB is currently offering all CPD activities free of charge. Please note however that we have paid to develop and offer this session together with the trainers, so if you sign up but cannot attend, we would greatly appreciate it if you could give us at least 5 days’ notice so that we can advertise your spot to others who may be interested. Cancellation without at least 5 days’ notice or failure to show up may result in your department being charged the full cost price.

EDLAB reserves the right to postpone this event should a minimum of 6 participants not be reached.

Activity full or can’t make this date? Then sign up for the waiting list and we’ll let you know as soon as this event is scheduled again.