H+ Workshop: Speed Reading

People spend a lot of their time reading: students and knowledge workers alike. Weird enough we are not aware of how we read, why we wander off and what we can do to read better and faster. The adult reads with a speed of 200 to 250 words a minute and comprehends approximately 60% of what he is reading. With some practical tools and insights it is possible to double the reading speed without losing any text comprehension.

In this workshop you get a better insight in your own reading and information processing skills and learn how to double your reading speed and increase text comprehension in a practical and effective way.

The main focus of this workshop is to:

  • Get valuable insights in the attention process during reading.
  • Learn efficient reading strategies and techniques.
  • Gain insight in inhibitions and distractions during reading combined with effective ways to tackle them.
  • Learn practical tools to increase your reading speed and text comprehension.
  • Practice with exercise texts to increase your reading speed and text comprehension.
  • Track progress in reading speed and text comprehension.

The only way to learn speed reading is by actually doing it. That is why practicing is the main focus of this workshop. Reading exercise texts, tracking your reading speed and text comprehension is therefore the main activity in this workshop.

Honours+: Speed Reading